Bibliography for Woodpecker Ingenuity, by Tom and MJ Morgan, PRESERVE!, Vol. 19, no.3, Fall 2020, p. 2
“A Woodpecker Hammer.” Vincent, JFV, MN Sahinkaya, and W O’Shea. Proceedings of the
Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Oct.1, 2007.
“Do woodpecker drums encode information for species recognition?” Dodenhoff, DJ, RD Stark,
and EV Johnson. The Condor, Vol. 103(1), February, 2001.
“Downy woodpecker predation at goldenrod galls.” Confer, JL, and P. Paicos. Journal of Field
Ornithology, Vol. 56(1), Winter, 1985.
Lenehan, Roma. Personal email communication to authors. July 23, 2020.
“Location of tunnels on goldenrod ball galls made by downy woodpeckers, Picoides pubescens.”
R Troll. Transactions of the Illinois Academy of Science. Vol. 83(3/4), 1991.
“My Experience with a Red-Headed Woodpecker.” Alick Wetmore. Bird Lore, p. 155-6, 1900.
“Winter Space Partitioning of Woodpeckers and Nuthatches in Wisconsin.” Richardson, BL,
JA Cava, RP Thiel, and JD Riddle. The Northeastern Naturalist, March 1, 2017.
“Woodpecker Nest Tree Characteristics in Upper Midwestern Oak Forests.” Griese, Collette L.
Adkins and Francesca J. Cuthbert. The Canadian Field-Naturalist. Vol. 119(3), 2005.
“A Woodpecker Hammer.” Vincent, JFV, MN Sahinkaya, and W O’Shea. Proceedings of the
Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Oct.1, 2007.
“Do woodpecker drums encode information for species recognition?” Dodenhoff, DJ, RD Stark,
and EV Johnson. The Condor, Vol. 103(1), February, 2001.
“Downy woodpecker predation at goldenrod galls.” Confer, JL, and P. Paicos. Journal of Field
Ornithology, Vol. 56(1), Winter, 1985.
Lenehan, Roma. Personal email communication to authors. July 23, 2020.
“Location of tunnels on goldenrod ball galls made by downy woodpeckers, Picoides pubescens.”
R Troll. Transactions of the Illinois Academy of Science. Vol. 83(3/4), 1991.
“My Experience with a Red-Headed Woodpecker.” Alick Wetmore. Bird Lore, p. 155-6, 1900.
“Winter Space Partitioning of Woodpeckers and Nuthatches in Wisconsin.” Richardson, BL,
JA Cava, RP Thiel, and JD Riddle. The Northeastern Naturalist, March 1, 2017.
“Woodpecker Nest Tree Characteristics in Upper Midwestern Oak Forests.” Griese, Collette L.
Adkins and Francesca J. Cuthbert. The Canadian Field-Naturalist. Vol. 119(3), 2005.