When you contribute to the Friends of the Preserve, your donation supports one of the most beloved urban natural areas in the country – 300 acres of woodlands, wetland, and prairies and almost 4 miles of Lake Mendota shoreline right in the heart of the UW-Madison Campus.
These lands also tell the story of Wisconsin’s rich cultural heritage – from the ancient effigy mounds of native Americans, to the agricultural activities of early settlers, and 150 years of environmental research. Your gifts help to preserve and support this beautiful place - from Eagle Heights Woods to Picnic Point and all the way to the Memorial Union - now and in the future. Your tax-deductible membership contributions and donations go directly to work in the Preserve:
Join or renew your membership
Members join a community of Friends who value this special land and help to preserve it – for the enjoyment and enrichment of all.
Consider a donation in honor or in memory of a loved one.
Consider giving a GIFT membership. Consider donating above and beyond your membership |
To pay online
Click the Join/Renew/Donate button above
To pay by check
Print out a Membership Form, complete the form and mail it with your check to:
Friends of the Lakeshore Nature Preserve
P.O. Box 5534
Madison, WI 53705
Click the Join/Renew/Donate button above
To pay by check
Print out a Membership Form, complete the form and mail it with your check to:
Friends of the Lakeshore Nature Preserve
P.O. Box 5534
Madison, WI 53705