Purple Martin house at the Biocore Prairie - 2019
June 19. Martin pair sighted at the house
MJ and Tom Morgan on their round along the Bluebird trail observed "our big excitement was seeing a pair of Purple martins on the PUMA house. One was putting its head into a hole -- a female? The male stood guard." June 17. First sighting of the year
Richard Ness reports "a sub adult male Martin flying around the house checking it out. He almost landed on the house but then flew away. Good news!!." April 4 – The team meets to set up the house for the season.
This year, we installed new front panels for the compartments, which have starling resistant entrance openings. Rather than big round holes, these new entrances are shaped like shallow half moons. We are hopeful that this change will encourage martins to return and keep out starlings. |