On Sunday, April 28, Glenda Denniston arrived early to greet the nineteen attendees of her Bill’s Woods spring wildflowers tour. The sun was shining, bringing a welcome change from the snow flurries of the day before. The flowers did not disappoint: masses of Virginia blue bells covered the forest floor, with Dutchman’s breeches, Cut-leaved toothwort, and Wild ginger in abundance. The delicate spring ephemerals splashed the leaf-caked forest floor with their pastel colors and the buds of some of the shrubs and trees unfurled hesitantly. Glenda showed us aerial photographs of the area spanning 80 years, and photos of the first planting parties in 2001. The growth and changes in Bill's Woods since then have been remarkable! It was a treat to see the area through the eyes of one of the original leaders of the restoration, and the pleasure Glenda has in continuing to care for this beautiful spot. We also saw some Hepatica, Bloodroot, and a massive clump of Trillium. Two barred owlets nesting in a Red Oak hollow were spotted above the trail. Sandhill Cranes called back and forth in the Class of 1918 Marsh. It’s probably safe to assume that the cranes were enjoying the warm weather as much as we were! Friends host and reporter: Matt Chotlos.
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June 2024