During this exceptionally warm December, which brought us 2.7 " of rain, the woods sparkled with bright greens of mosses, lichens, and even violet leaves. On their holiday walk, Mark and Arezou enjoyed the splendid views of the open lake from the mound loop trail. Freshly shredded red buckthorn on the path, brown oak leaves covering the ground, dark tree trunks reaching toward the sky, and brilliant greens of mosses and lichens on rocks and tree trunks, all combined to an unexpected visual delight in winter. Adam Gundlach, preparing for spring, was casting grass seeds on the Indian mounds. Photos Mark K.
Adam Gundlach, Perserve Field Projects coordinator supervising the field work in Eagle Heights woods, invites us to hike the area during the holidays season. He writes:
"If you are looking for an opportunity to view some of the work happening in the Lakeshore Nature Preserve, we encourage you to take a stroll through Eagle Heights Woods this holiday season. Good Oak Ecological Services has completed brush removal in the western expansion of the Indian Mounds Zone, further opening views to the north and west, and bringing the sense of an open oak woodland another step closer to reality. The brush was chipped spread on trails, so until the snow falls (hopefully sometime soon), sections of trail near the brush clearing site are now highlighted with the fresh, orange-tinted remains of buckthorn. Wolfe Tree Service has also addressed some of the worst stretches of hazard trees along trails in Eagle Heights Woods, though more work remains for later this winter. Enjoy a restful holiday." |
AuthorGisela Kutzbach and contributors Archives
May 2022