Bird Checklists
Breeding Bird Studies Bird Observatory Bluebird Trail 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Green Heron Hawks Purple Martins 2018 2017 Robin Sandhill Cranes Swallows Bird Migration |
Bluebird Trail Monitoring 2016Location of bluebird boxes near Eagle Heights Community Gardens and Biocore Prairie. In June 2016 some of the BB boxes where moved from the 2015 locations to the current locations and some new ones were added, as shown on this map. Monitoring data for the previous months are adjusted to reflect new locations.
Boxes formerly located within the boundaries of the community gardens, which were consistently populated by House sparrows, are now located in more open areas along the edges of the prairie. Boxes 10a and 10b are "paired".
Bluebirds suffered major population declines with loss of native forests. These losses have been reversed with the help of Bluebird Restoration Association of Wisconsin (BRAW). The organization developed successful Bluebird box designs, locations, and predator control. These Bluebird boxes have benefited Wisconsin’s Eastern Bluebird population and given enjoyment to thousands of people. Although Bluebirds are the target bird for these boxes, other cavity nesting song birds in the Biocore Prairie also benefit from them, including Tree Swallows, House Wrens, Black-capped Chickadees.
Estern Bluebirds, Tree Swallows and Wrens returned to the area in March and are now , mid- April, beginning to build their nests. They have strong competition from House Sparrows. The boxes mainly occupied by House Sparrows will soon be moved to locations more attractive to Bluebirds and Tree swallows.
BB- Eastern Bluebird, TS- Tree Swallow, HW- House Wren, HS- House Sparrow
Bluebird Trail 2016
Second BB pair starting. Fewer HS and more TS than in 2015. TS doing well - 31 eggs May 28
May 8 - BB have lost out to TS in Box 9. No active BB nest on the trail.
Biocore Prairie Bluebird Trail consists of 14 Bluebird Boxes mounted on predator resistant steel poles around the Biocare Prairie and through the Community Gardens. The boxes are located near walking paths as shown on the map. They are easy to monitor and maintain.
The BRAW design Bluebird boxes are luxury boxes, considering that the cedar wood used for building them is more than 100 years old and from the attic floor of a Wisconsin home. |